Everything is sunny side up…

After being diagnosed with Celiac disease, Megan made it her mission to learn how to bake gluten free and to make those things taste just as good as non-gluten free foods, so her gluten eating friends and family would never know the difference. 

From the very beginning of their relationship, Megan and Logan knew that they always wanted to start a business of their own, coming up with the name “Sunny Side Up” years before they had any idea what they would actually do with it. After having countless conversations that sounded a lot like: “I love baking, we can never find these cookies gluten free, we should just sell mine”, Megan and Logan realized that they should do just that and Sunny Side Up was established in May 2022.

Megan and Logan

About us!

Megan, co-founder, baker

Logan, co-founder, suis baker

During the work week Megan and Logan still hustle in the corporate world. Megan works as a graphic designer & marketing extraordinaire. During the work week, Logan works as a Mechanical Engineer and tennis professional. And outside of all of that, they both love to spend time with their 15 year old dog, Elvis.


Our Characters

The inspiration behind our characters and logo comes from our love of all things retro.

Designed in collaboration with one of our best friends and extremely talented illustrator, Corinne Stein. You can find her over on instagram @littlenim.